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What are the different Skin Tightening Sheffield Procedures?

Sagging skin or wrinkles are quite commonly noticed among the elderly people. Skin starts to sag or wrinkle after reaching a certain age. This is because, the skin begins to lose its ability to create collage and elastin. They are essential as they contribute towards the skin’s firmness and elasticity.

Non-surgical procedures

It is the desire for both men and women to appear young all the time and for this they are ready to spend a fortune. Doing some research, you are sure to come across top skin tightening Sheffield practitioners offering surgical and non-surgical remedies. But the majority do not prefer going under the knife. This is why, non-surgical methods to eliminate wrinkles is growing in popularity.

Why avail such procedures?

These procedures assure to tighten the skin on the different part of the body and the face. For this, the practitioners use lasers, ultrasound and radiofrequency. Although non-surgical in nature, only a licensed and experienced professional should perform it under doctor supervision.


Several devices are used to carry out skin tightening treatments. They deliver targeted energy, thereby heating the skin’s deeper layers, thereby stimulating elastic and collagen production. You may also avail lip filler Sheffield procedure to get beautiful looking, fuller lips.

  • RF (Radiofrequency) therapy: Heat is sent into the skin using a handheld device to stimulate collagen production. This FDA-approved method targets the skin’s external layer, namely the epidermis. It is used to treat the hands, body, neck and the face region. Combining it with microneedling procedure can help treat the skin’s deeper layers. Gradual results are expected. Some people require availing 2-6 treatments to derive the desired results while  others might reach their objectives with a single treatment.
  • Ultrasound skin tightening: Heat is sent deep within the skin using micro-focused ultrasound device. It is generally up to 5mm below skin surface to lift and tighten skin on the upper chest, neck and face. It helps reduce wrinkle appearance. Visible results are possible after just one treatment while better results may take about six months.
  • Laser treatment: Heat is sent deep within the skin using handheld lasers, thereby destroying the epidermis for reaching underlying dermis. These are expensive treatments and quite effective on the upper arms and belly skin. 3-5 treatments will suffice to get the desired results.
  • IPL (Intense Pulsed Light): Light in multiple wavelengths is sent to the skin’s deeper layers. Multiple treatments may be necessary. This procedure is often mixed with RF to reach the skin’s deeper layers. IPL method allows treating different skin conditions and in large amounts. Persons having darker or tanned skin  however, are not recommended this treatment.

Avail the right options

There are also other non-surgical treatments available to tighten up skin. Discussing with the practitioner and asking the right questions will help you to know which procedure will suit your health and specific needs.