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What are the best ayurvedic medicines for fatty liver?

The liver is a significant organ consisting of human anatomy’s five digestive fires. The organ has a major role in converting plasma into red blood cells. So, from the ayurvedic point of view, the liver controls the entire human body. Despite its versatility and functionality, the liver is vulnerable to major disorders- one of the major disorders is its abnormal swelling and enlargement. In scientific terms, abnormal liver enlargement is known as hepatomegaly. The enlarged liver can’t be called a disease in itself. It indicates the potential of underlying diseases such as cancer, hepatitis, and heart failure. The cure of enlarged or swollen liver can vary according to the nature of the occurrence. 


An enlarged liver can result from several potential disorders that can require immediate professional medical assistance. It’s often similar to a distended spleen. Several conditions can give rise to an enlarged liver or swollen liver. It can include liver disorders like hepatitis. 


What are the herbal, natural, and ayurvedic medicines available for curing fatty liver


The Indian aloe can be used to cure fatty and hepatomegaly. When combined with ginger and black salt, aloe’s pulp can be very effective. Chicory juice is extracted from the flowers and can be extremely beneficial in treating multiple liver disorders. On the ayurvedic front, the kantakari herb can cure swelling inside the spleen and the liver; the condition is referred to as splenomegaly & hepatomegaly. 


Ayurvedic medicines meant to treat fatty liver are said to consist of gokulakanta herb. The herb is used to cure several liver disorders like derangement, jaundice, and hepatitis. Ayurveda suggests you consume up to four or six small meals daily in place of three meals. You can include unprocessed foods, fresh vegetables, and fruits in your meals. Besides, you must drink an adequate amount of water as it can flush out toxins. 


If you’re suffering from fatty liver or liver enlargement, you should consume calcium and potassium enriched foods. Besides, you should include Vitamin B-complex, magnesium, vitamin A, Vitamin C, and so forth. Dandelion can positively affect your liver, allowing the liver to carry the normal function. In some cases, the henna plant’s bark is consumed as a powder to cure live enlargement issues. Eclipta is a kind of creeper packed with incredible benefits when it comes to treating liver disorders. Baidyanaths products meant to cure fatty liver can consist of copper’s dhatu. Copper dhatu is also prescribed by ayurvedic practitioners. It is usually consumed as bhasma. 


Several factors can contribute to liver enlargement. To mention some: malaria, glandular fevers, liver abscesses, and hepatitis. It can rise to diseases such as lymphomas and leukemia in worst cases.