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10 Persuasive Essay Topics With A Detailed Guide About Writing Them

Persuasive Essay Topics


Essay writing has several types, each with particular characteristics and aims to fulfil. One of the essay types is a persuasive essay, similar to an argument essay. Whenever you see persuasive essay topics, you are supposed to have a long debate on them. The debate has to be logical with ground realities rather than an imaginary ones. For example, a persuasive essay topic is assigned to you. Now you have to collect valid information about two facets of topics. You need to prove why one idea is good while the other is less legitimate. All the authentic discussion is made based on persuading the targeted audience. As per its importance, this article aims to discuss persuasive essay topics in detail.

What Are 10 Best Persuasive Essay Topics And How To Write Them?

Following are the 10 best persuasive essay topics with a detailed guide:

1. Is It Better To Snack All Day or Have Three Set Meals?

Some people get a suggestion to snack all day, while others are advised to have three set meals. These suggestions are not random but have been made based on metabolic rate and the requirement for fat loss. The metabolic rate differs from person to person, and not every person is supposed to lose fat. When writing a persuasive essay on such topics, you have to target a particular set of people based on the arguments made for them. Therefore, hiring an essay writing service becomes very important for it.

2. Should Kids Have To Eat Foods They Don’t Like?

The brighter side of asking kids to eat what they do not like is that they can grow up healthily. Based on the benefits of something you are presenting, it is decided to ask the kid to eat the presented food. In contrast, the dark side of doing so causes pressure on a kid. In this way, he may develop a negative association.

3. What Animal Makes The Best Pet?

One of the best persuasive essay topics is about animal pets. In such topics, you have to target some pet animals based on their characteristics, and you can better decide which animal can be the best pet. Also, you have to see the feasibility and budget required to look after a pet animal.

4. If You Want An Animal To Train, What Is The Best Animal To Pick?

This is another persuasive essay topic which asks for detailed arguments. When discussing this topic, you must mention the animal and work on its particular domains. For example, you decided to go for a dog. Here, you need to search for trainable dog breeds and discuss them in detail.

5. Are Dress Codes A Good Idea For Schools?

Most schools are in favour of dress codes for students. By looking at its pros and cons, it is evaluated that the dress code plays a significant role in developing a serious atmosphere at school. At the school level, students are supposed to follow all disciplines and be more encouraged to achieve academic goals. Also, dress codes reduce the stress of following trends and fashion. Many students cannot afford high-class dress daily. So, the dress code works well to save money, maintain discipline, remove class differences, and remove social conflicts.

6. Is It More Fun To Play Sports Or Watch Them?

In such persuasive essay topics, you get a chance to work on two different ideas. Here, you have to evaluate both ideas in detail critically. Present your arguments with the help of an example and provide evidence. Also, you can target the health aspect to support your claims.

7. What’s The Best Activity to do on a Rainy Day?

On a rainy day, you get bound to stay at a particular place. It is sometimes impossible to do all tasks you can perform on a casual day. So, discuss according to the need of the hour and your interest. This approach can help you plan a perfect day based on the available opportunities.

8. What’s The Best Music to Listen to When You’re Sad?

This topic for a persuasive essay is more inclined toward psychology. So, you can collect data for discussion from psychological platforms. That is how the data collection platform also plays a major role in making your essay compelling.

9. Should Music And Movies Be Free?

From the audience’s side, you can talk about the free aspect. On the other hand, you have to argue from the side of the entertainment industry. Afterwards, you have to persuade the reader for a final decision based on the point which has more strength.

10. Is It A Good Idea For Friends To Sit Together In Class?

In such persuasive essay topics, you can focus on students’ performance to make some decisions. Class arrangement plays a particular role in students’ behaviour, management, and learning. In this topic, you need to discuss the pros and cons when two friends sit together in a class. The pros of this aspect include that both students will be comfortable learning. Also, they can freely ask each other if they find any problems in academics.

Furthermore, they develop a good bond with each other, which can somehow affect the class environment. Such students may not prefer to get out of their nutshell, which can promote an introverted personality. So, you have to evaluate what kind of effect has a strong result and then decide based on it.

Final Thoughts

You need to focus on its key elements when writing on persuasive essay topics. These key elements include clarity of idea to make the introduction strong and compelling. Also, there should be authentic arguments with proper evidence support, and an organised structure should be in a persuasive essay. The last key element is the conclusion, which should ask the reader to take strong action when reading a persuasive essay. The above-mentioned persuasive essay topics can help you make logical arguments with evidence.