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What is the role of the Muslim woman?

What is the role of the Muslim woman?

In Islam, women have a special role. They are given rights that are not given to men. There is no hierarchy between the sexes in Islam so each person is equal in the eyes of God. Although this may seem like an ideal world where everyone gets along, it can be difficult for some people to understand how these principles apply to daily life.

To help explain what this means and why they matter so much we will look at three areas: education; prayer time/fasting; and motherhood/wifehood

Islam Emphasizes the Concept of Sisterhood

Islam is a religion that encourages women to be educated, work and play an active role in their community. Women can succeed in any field they choose, as long as they are aware of what is right and wrong and how to conduct themselves properly according to the teachings of Islam.

Muslim women are obligated to observe the prayer and fast just like men

The following are some of the obligations of Muslim women:

  • Praying
  • Paying charity
  • Keeping the fast of Ramadan and performing Hajj (pilgrimage)
  • Are you know about Beautiful Muslim women.

The Importance of Education in Islam

In Islam, the education of women is a religious duty. It is also an obligation that falls on all Muslims, men and women alike. The Qur’an states: “And train your sons to be true believers, affectionate to their parents [and] to speak good words” (Qur’an 4:36).

The Hadith (sayings attributed to Muhammad) further emphasize this importance by saying: “Train your daughters in goodness so that they may become good wives.” The Prophet also said: “The best among you are those who treat their wives better than themselves; for everyone of you has been given something for which he should give thanks”

Men and Women Are Equal in Islam

In Islam, men and women are equal in the eyes of God. They have the same rights, obligations and rewards for good deeds.

Men and women have different responsibilities under Islamic law but they also share them equally. For example:

  • Women must cover their heads when going out in public (hijab), because this shows respect for God’s creation; it shows that we are all equal human beings with similar goals despite our differences; it makes us feel more comfortable around others who do not wear what may seem like “sexy” clothes or makeup on our faces; etc…

Muslim women have a role as mothers

In the Muslim world, women have a role as mothers and wives. They are also important members of society in general. They are not confined to the home, but they can participate in many activities outside it.

In fact, whether it is at work or at school or in any other area of life, Muslim women are not inferior to men—they are equal members of society who contribute equally with men towards making the world a better place for everyone.


The role of Muslim women is important. Islam emphasizes the concept of sisterhood and the importance of education for both men and women. The Qur’an mentions that “Allah has not put you as a mean between one another; you desire the good in your hearts, so go to your wives and let them give you [that] which Allah has given them”




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