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What Does Authentic Christian Faith Look Like?

Authentic Christian Faith

Authentic Christian Faith

Defining “authentic” is equally challenging, just like finding it. Authenticity is significant in Christianity, and if you are not a faithful Christian, it will not take long before you are unmasked. Therefore, Christians must evaluate themselves regularly to see whether they are faithful to Christ’s teachings or not. Most people seem to question themselves because they have a poor image of God in their minds and hearts. Some may also not know what it takes to be a true Christian, which could lead to doubts. Take a look at several elements that depict what living in authentic faith looks like.

Having an accurate picture of God

We all have a picture of God in our minds, and you need to consider what yours is. The picture of God in your mind impacts your authentic Christianity and faith. If you think God is angry and will punish you, you will always try not to provoke his anger. As an authentic Christian, think of God as a loving father who can guide you to peace and fulfillment.

Authentic Christianity is not about religion and rules.

Being an authentic Christian is not about following the religious rules and staying out of touch with reality. Even though you have to be obedient and live honorable, you have to understand whether your motivation is to avoid God’s wrath. Instead of treating the faith as a moral code, authentic Christianity is about our relationship with God the father. It is all about loving people at all times, from deep in your heart.

Enjoying fellowship with other believers

Authentic Christianity is about surrounding yourself with other believers. The bible teaches us the importance of togetherness, encouraging and correcting each other. Anyone who stays away from other Christians does it at their peril. If you want God to come to your house, you must first go to see him in his house. If you are studying in a Private Christian college online, there are seminars where students can meet and fellowship.

True Christianity values relationships

Christianity is based on our relationships with God, ourselves, the world, other faiths, and non-believers. Changing our hearts to reflect these relationships demonstrates that we are genuine in faith. However, to be an authentic Christian, you first have to understand God’s love for you. This helps you think outside religion and rules and focus on the worldly value of relationships.

It is about imperfections

Christianity does not want you to be perfect, and God assures you of that. Authentic Christianity is about engaging in honest ways of becoming Christ-like. As a truthful Christian, you do not have to pretend that you are perfect. Accept it and move back to Christ’s teachings if you mess up. Understand God’s grace and be ready to give it to others.

Loving and obeying God’s word

You cannot be an authentic Christian and ignore God’s commands and teachings. An authentic Christian lives a life full of God’s love and obeys the word of God. Once you become a Christian, you are considered a disciple of Christ and a student of scripture. You should therefore walk and live by the teachings. It starts by reading the bible or attending a private Christian college online to learn in a Godly environment. Your success and failure as an authentic Christian depend on the biblical teachings you feed your mind and heart.

Accepting and confessing Jesus Christ as lord

Authentic Christianity starts by verbally acknowledging Jesus Christ as the Lord and Savior. Jesus should be the lord and guide of your life. However, you also need to have the power to confess and acclaim Jesus as your savior openly.

Pursuing the Kingdom of God

Genuine Christianity starts by pursuing God in all forms. The early church teaches about pursuing God through reading and teaching the holy word. This can be done through prayer and Christian communities. Pursuing God and his kingdom can also be achieved through fasting, and every true Christian should understand this. It is necessary to pursue God through all the avenues written in the scripture.

To this point, you now understand what living an authentic Christian life looks like. This should be your checklist when evaluating your life in Christ and whether you are true to the word. Evaluate everything you have read and respond to the true calling. First, you have to repent, receive Christ and surrender your life to him. Everything else will follow as you enjoy living with God.




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