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Instagram Guides: How far is this feature?

Instagram has just launched Instagram Guides. The potential of this feature is limitless.
Instagram Guides were launched in November across the globe. Buying Instagram Followers

Many brands have begun to use the feature for their e-commerce needs. E-commerce saw a 129% increase in year-over-year sales during the pandemic. It seems like a good time to launch an element with specific ideas about product sales. Buying Instagram Followers 

Let’s now get to the bottom of it.

This feature was initially created to improve users’ well-being during the pandemic. It is similar to Instant Experiences on Facebook but more like a blog post. Instagram Guides allows brands (and all Instagram users) to share recommendations, products, and other information much more quickly. Buying Instagram Followers

This is about as long-form content as you can find on Instagram, which is excellent for those who want to tell their stories a little longer. It’s simple and clean with an editorial style. Users can quickly scroll from headline to main content. Clicking on the imagery and being taken to the Instagram feed was a cool feature I liked.

Instagram, like all platforms, is constantly innovating. The guide brings the feeling of an article to the app without having to leave the app. You can also shop on the app as you would on a website by clicking on the products. Do you know GenYouTube also use to downloaded Instagram videos.

How do Instagram Guides work?

You can use the same features as Instagram’s other features by going to the top of your profile, clicking on the “create” section or little plus, then selecting guides. You can create recommendations for products, places, or posts from this page. Each style can be customized to your needs.

However, brands should note that products cannot link to items on the Instagram shop. Uploading imagery is easy. Users can choose photos and videos from their brand profile or other brand and inspiration accounts.

Guides currently have limited production. They can be found on the profile tabs (similar to Reels or IGTV) and at the top of the shopping section. You can also share them with your story for more visibility. This is where I have seen them most often. Buying Instagram Followers

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The future and versatility of Guides

This is a very early launch, and the output of Instagram is limited. It could go a long way. Instagram will see it if I can. We can expect more customized layouts with just three forms. Probably. It wouldn’t surprise us if Guides were integrated into the Instagram core feed or a paid variant with measurable metrics for brands and business profiles.

Is there any reason brands should not invest in this feature without metrics? How do you know if someone has viewed your product if you have a guide? This is something that brands need to monitor closely.

While I understand the overall theme of recommendations is to create proposals, there are no rules that say your creation must be one. Let’s look at how this feature can help a few industries thrive. Buying Instagram Followers

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Fashion Industry

Fashion has the most significant potential if its products can be integrated with the Instagram Shop. The North Face, among others, has experimented with Guides during the first weeks. This guide is a holiday gifting guide. These are just a few examples that the fashion industry can do. Fashion magazines such as Vogue and GQ have clearly defined entry points. Grazia tried it, but it could be almost like a mini magazine page.

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People constantly look for fashion trends and the best items to buy for each season. They also look to brands like ASOS or Instagram for inspiration. This is an excellent opportunity for brands to create guides for new seasons, lifestyle clothing guides, and promotional guides for events like Paris Fashion Week.

Influencers are critical players in the fashion industry. Influencers often film seasonal holiday hauls or offers winter product suggestions. Buying Instagram Followers

They also partner with brands to increase their reach. A partnership could allow brands to tap into the influencer’s knowledge by asking them for their products or creating a guide focusing on Mac Cosmetics products. They’ll have to figure out how to #ad long-form.

This is just a tiny part of the fashion industry. This trend will continue if you consider how easy it can be to find clothing via apps or websites. Guides are a great way to help this industry grow.

The Media

Ah, our favorite people. Media covers many areas. Let’s look at some of these areas and see if they can help us dive deeper. Netflix posts its upcoming shows on Twitter every week, but what if there was a guide that provided more information about each show? We don’t have much to do right now, so every little helps – sorry, Tesco.

However, social media has the potential to be just as useful for traditional media outlets like magazines and news channels. News outlets could, for instance, compile a list of the top five stories or most discussed topics of the day. Guides are easy to make and can be easily distributed by any news outlet.

Personal Portfolio

Selling yourself or your brand is a great way to make a profit. Users could create a shorter version of their CV to serve as a “guide to me.” Chefs could make a guide for 20-minute meals. Designers could upload their best work. Trainers could post quick workout tips based on videos to their Instagram feed. You have many options with long-form, which can offer you real opportunities to build or sell your brand. Buying Instagram Followers


This is an excellent industry for brands and bloggers to use and expand this feature. Airbnb could list its top 10 destinations and 10 hidden gems or romantic getaways. Travel bloggers could post similar information or even a country guide, including bars, restaurants, and must-see spots. Buying Instagram Followers

What is the limit of Instagram Guides?

Instagram Guides offers a new way to connect and engage with your audience. Value is the key to a successful entry into this feature. This feature is a chance to share insight with your audience and offer them something extra that a single post cannot. Buying Instagram Followers

This feature is an opportunity for brands to tell a new story. If Instagram makes it more accessible and allows for more creativity, this feature could become the next big thing in e-commerce.

One question remains: How well will long-form do in a primarily visual platform? We’ll see.




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