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Browse the Hidden Wiki from Tor and Make It More Secure

Hidden Wiki


The Hidden Wiki is one of the highly used dark web links as it helps you find different and new links for you to use. If you are with using the dark web, the Hidden Wiki is one of the first sites you need to get started. 

Remember that the Hidden Wiki is itself a link on the dark web and can only be accessed in a way. You cannot use the Hidden Wiki on the surface web. Yes, there might be a version of Hidden Wiki on the surface web, but it only has limited dark web links.

The links you find for the dark web on the Hidden Wiki of the surface web cannot be used on the surface web. This is because the dark web version of Hidden Wiki is itself an onion link, and you need Tor Browser to access it. 

Why Do You Need Tor Browser To Browse Hidden Wiki?

The Hidden Wiki is a great dark web links directory that you might need to find various links to have a great dark web experience. However, since dark web links are complicated to remember, you may not easily find them. That is when the Hidden Wiki will help you. 

The dark web links are onion links, and you cannot access them using the surface web. The Tor Browser is the only one you need to support onion links. 

The Hidden Wiki is onion as well; therefore, you need to use the Tor Browser to access it. You will find dark web links regarding every topic at Hidden Wiki.

Is Tor Browser A Safe Option To Use The Hidden Wiki?

Since you cannot use any surface web browser to access the dark web, you will need a different tool. Therefore, to use the dark web, you only have the Tor Browser as the perfect tool to help you achieve this goal. 

Knowing all the potential threats you can face on the dark web, the Tor Browser has worked remarkably to offer a safe gateway to dark web links. The Tor Browser is an anonymous browser that doesn’t track any of your activity and helps safely use the Hidden Wiki. 

Since you will visit different links when using the Hidden Wiki, you must be very careful. You may only find dark web links on the Hidden Wiki, but it is also a dark web link. So make sure you keep your safety in mind. 

The Tor Browser is not the ultimate safe option unless you take some precautionary measures from your side. Yes, the Tor Browser tries to help you by offering a free, built-in VPN, but there are many things you have to do as well. 


What Do You Need To Do To Safely Use The Hidden Wiki Through Tor Browser?

The combination of Tor Browser and the Hidden Wiki is just phenomenal. The Hidden Wiki has a great experience to offer you, but only if you use it in control. The platform has every type of dark web link, including the ones where criminal activities are carried out. 

In addition, just visiting the Hidden Wiki through Tor Browser requires you to have some safety measures in place. Here are some safety measures you need to browse the Hidden Wiki from Tor and make it more secure. 

  1. Close All the Tabs You Have Open In Your Computer 

Many people don’t keep this in mind, but this is one of the most important safety measures you have to take before using the Tor Browser. The threats in dark web links can be very serious, and you never know when any virus can enter your system. In addition, if other apps are open, that virus can risk the information available on those apps. 

Therefore, always close all the apps and tabs you have open on your computer before starting the Tor Browser. 

  1. Connect Tor VPN and A Third-Party VPN

VPN is essential for you to hide your IP address. This makes it impossible for anyone to track you through your IP address. 

As soon as you start the Tor Browser to use Hidden Wiki, connect the Tor VPN first. Before ensuring you are connected to the Tor VPN, don’t visit dark web links. 

In addition, also use a premium third-party VPN to add an extra layer of security for safe browsing. Make sure to connect to the third-party VPN before starting the Tor Browser. 

It is always better to be safe as you never know when any threat is maybe waiting for you in the dark web links you find at Hidden Wiki. 

  1. Don’t Open Any Unknown Link You Find At Hidden Wiki

The Hidden Wiki is a huge directory for dark web links; you can find any link. Looking at so many options to visit may excite you, but this is where you have to have some control over yourself. 

Only visit the links you know about and are familiar with. Don’t visit the links for categories you don’t know about. There may be some links with malware and other viruses. A virus attack can be on your system just by opening any unknown link. 

Always find the links at Hidden Wiki that are in your favorite list. 

  1. Have A Latest Anti-Virus Software in Hand

To help you be safe from any virus attack, anti-virus software is a perfect tool you should have ready on your computer. However, you will enter a different world just as you start Tor. Therefore, it is best to have all the security measures ready for your backup. 



Ensure the anti-virus software is trusted and can help you from virus attacks. Otherwise, some software doesn’t work and only shows pop-up ads. 

  1. Don’t Download Any File from Hidden Wiki

The Hidden Wiki is a safer platform to use compared to other dark web links. However, it is always better to be safe than sorry. 

You should never download any file when using the Hidden Wiki. It doesn’t matter what the file is named. Downloading any files may bring viruses and malware with them. 

On the other hand, there are some files that, if downloaded, can crash your system and steal all your data. The hackers on the dark web are very clever and have some very advanced tactics. 

Therefore, it is always best to stay away from such people. You never know when they will land you in trouble. 

Is It Important To Browse Hidden Wiki When Using Tor Browser The First Time?

Using the Tor Browser for the first time means you have never used dark web links before, including the Hidden Wiki. You may learn everything, but the experience will teach you a lot about the dark web. 

Therefore, browsing Hidden Wiki at the start will help you get good learning about dark web links and how they work. The Hidden Wiki may be a simple-looking website, but it presents all the links you can use. 

In addition, many dark web links go offline after some time, and the site is shifted to a new onion link. Since the links are difficult to remember, you may not easily identify the new, updated links. 

This is when Hidden Wiki will help you use the Tor Browser for the first time. All the links on the Hidden Wiki are mainly new and updated.

However, if some links are offline, there is a feature that will help you know that it isn’t working without opening it. This will save you time and you from any risk that the offline site holds.

Therefore, Hidden Wiki provides fresh and updated links for dark websites. 

How to Find Hidden Wiki on Tor Browser?

Many people get confused about finding the Hidden Wiki on Tor Browser. Since it is your first time on the dark web, there will be things that you will find complicated. However, finding Hidden Wiki on Tor is very simple. 

As soon as you start Tor Browser, you will see the DuckDuckGo search engine option on the welcome page. Tap the option, and you will be redirected to the search engine. This is one of the best and safest search engines on the dark web. 



In the search box, type Hidden Wiki, and there will be many results in front of you. However, only open the top ones, and there you will find the Hidden Wiki. 

Make sure to safely open the DuckDuckGo, keeping all the safety measures we discussed above. 

Final Words

Browsing the Hidden Wiki from Tor is the safest option, and you will get to see many different things from what you normally see on the surface web. Therefore, only use Hidden Wiki from Tor for educational purposes. 

Don’t get involved much in the dark web, as there are many risks involved in using it. The Hidden Wiki may be secure from Tor, but you should not trust other links you find on this platform.