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What Are The Benefits Of Green Building Certification?

Buildings have a significant influence on the environment, both directly and indirectly. They require energy water, including raw materials during their construction, refurbishment, repurposing, and demolition, and also create waste and emit potentially dangerous air pollutants during these phases. The existence of green building standards, certifications, as well as rating systems has resulted from the desire to reduce the negative impact of buildings on the natural environment via the use of environmentally friendly design principles.

What is the point of pursuing green building certification?

Despite the fact that the process of planning and building a “green” building is not appropriate for every project, there are numerous advantages to becoming certified. In addition to conserving the environment and its limited resources, obtaining green building certification has a number of economic and health benefits for the building owner. These are some of the most common:

  • Savings on operating costs
  • An increase in the rate of return on investment
  • Occupancy rates have increased.
  • Rent increases as a result.
  • Productivity among users has increased.
  • Employee absenteeism has been reduced.

Benefits of obtaining green building certification-

Building a green building isn’t just about obtaining certification that the building is environmentally friendly. Some projects are constructed in accordance with green building standards even without the goal of obtaining certification. The achievement of certification demonstrates a project owner’s dedication to environmentally friendly construction. A significant amount of additional work by the design and construction stages is frequently required, and there are frequently additional expenses associated with this process. The project team’s desire to spend additional funds in order to “prove” that the project complies with green building requirements demonstrates how significant this value would be to them.

Tax breaks for green construction projects are available in a number of states and municipalities. It is possible to receive some of these advantages based on energy savings, while others are contingent on attaining a specific level of certification. The federal government of the United States of America additionally provides tax breaks for specific types of projects that gain certification. These credits, as well as incentives, can assist in deferring some of the additional costs associated with certification.

Energy Efficient Design

Green building designers strive to limit their reliance on energy derived from nonrenewable sources such as coal to the greatest extent feasible. This is accomplished through the installation of solar panels to harness solar energy and by designing windows in such a way that they allow as much natural light as possible while minimizing its use of artificial light; these and many other measures ensure that the building consumes energy in an efficient manner. Energy efficiency is critical not just for the individual user but also for the entire globe because nonrenewable energy sources are costly as well as degrade the environment when they are used. You can easily apply for the green globe certification process and get the certification after the approval. 

Improved Health: Eco-Friendly for a Longer Life

Living in a sustainable structure can literally save your life if you don’t take care of it. The use of environmentally friendly materials in the building of green structures has been shown to provide a variety of health benefits to those who live there, according to research. Environmentally friendly structures, for example, minimize the use of construction materials that may include dangerous, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) or plastic by-products, both of which have been linked to the emission of poisonous gasses and carcinogens into the environment. Occupational exposure to these hazardous elements has been related to respiratory illness, allergies, as well as other health problems, as well as an increased chance of developing cancer in some circumstances.

Protects biological variety and ecological systems

Green construction contributes to the health of ecosystems by encouraging the effective use of resources such as energy, water, and other materials. It also makes use of alternative energy sources such as solar power. Pollution and waste reduction measures, as well as measures to enable the reuse and recycling of resources, are frequently implemented in this context. The materials that are utilized are non-toxic, ethical, and environmentally friendly.




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