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Benefits Of Vitamin C For Skin

vitamin c

Vitamin-C is very special for the skin. It proves to be very useful in improving the complexion of the skin, getting rid of blemishes and even lightening the marks of bruises etc.

Consuming foods rich in vitamin-C is the easiest and most effective way to reap the benefits of this vitamin. Oranges, kiwis, tomatoes, green apples, lemons and bananas are good sources of vitamin C. Apart from this, you can use a cream containing vitamin-C to include this vitamin in your beauty routine. It is found in skin care products in the form of L-ascorbic acid. Apart from this, vitamin-C serum, powder, lotion, cream and mask are also available in the market. Experts also recommend using it to diagnose skin problems. In the beginning, always use products containing vitamin-C in small amounts on the skin, as the ability of the skin to absorb this vitamin gradually increases. Use Vitamin-C on the skin in the morning or at night. Avoid using it in the afternoon as Vitamin-C makes the skin more sensitive to the sun’s rays.

Improve skin health with natural remedies

some caution is also necessary

After the use of this vitamin, some people get a rash on their skin. If this happens to you too, then consult a dermatologist.

The use of Vitamin-C makes the skin a little sensitive. It is better that you use it on the face only after taking a patch test (by applying it on a small part of the skin). Discontinue use if there is burning, itching or red spots on the face.

– Store the cream in a cool place away from sunlight.

Benefits of Vitamin C

You too must have struggled with the problem of acne at one time or another. Acne heals sooner or later, but leaves scars on the face. Vitamin-C helps in lightening these marks by promoting the process of new skin cell formation. Vitamin-C helps in the quick healing of skin scars by inhibiting the production process of melanin.

There are many reasons for pigmentation ie freckles. But, you can get rid of these freckles by regularly using Vitamin-C lotion on them. Vitamin-C may not eliminate freckles completely, but it will certainly lighten them very much.

Regular use of Vitamin C brings a unique glow to the skin. It brightens the skin by removing blemishes and improving the complexion. Antioxidants are abundant in Vitamin-C. It makes the skin flexible by increasing the formation of collagen. With its use, wrinkles and fine lines are also visible on the skin. Vitamin-C also protects the skin from the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun and forms a protective layer.

If you want a glowing skin then this news is for you. We see that changing lifestyle and increasing pollution have a bad effect not only on health but also on skin. Therefore, apart from being dull, pimples, dark circles, dark spots and many other problems keep happening on it. The best way to get rid of these problems is to follow a good skin care routine.

Skin Benefits Vitamin C Serum
It is best to use Vitamin C serum for the skin. You will get it easily in the market, but you can also prepare it sitting at home. Learn how Vitamin C face serum can be made at home and what are its benefits…

How to make Vitamin C Serum at home

  • First you take vitamin C tablet, rose water, glycerin.
  • Apart from this, you will need vitamin E capsules and aloe vera gel.
  • Crush a vitamin C tablet and put it in a vessel.
  • Now add glycerin, rose water, vitamin E capsule and aloe vera gel to it.
  • Mix well and your serum will be ready in no time.
  • Keep it in an air tight box and store it in the fridge for two weeks.
  • After this you can massage it by applying it on the face.

Benefit 1- The glow of the skin will return

Vitamin C is considered very important for the skin. Due to this, the pimples, pigmentation and dark spots on the skin remain far away. This serum works to moisturize oily skin.

Benefit 2- Relief from the problem of dryness
If your skin is suffering from the problem of dryness, then using this serum once a day retains the moisture of the skin and it also glows. It also helps in keeping the skin healthy.

Benefit 3- Helpful in giving a fresh look
This home made serum easily absorbs into the skin and gives you a fresh makeup look. Serum is an essential skin care product, which is beneficial for different things in the skin. You can also use Ubtan face mask for face.




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