A genetic infection can appear within an individual’s body due to sudden changes in the genetic structure of a person’s DNA. The causes for the sudden changes in the genetic buildup can be attributed to internal or external effects. The mutations in the genetic makeup can also be inherited from parents at birth or appear during birth. Before we can treat and manage genetic infections, it is necessary to understand the genetic infections.
What is genetic infection
A genetic infection happens when individuals gain an altered gene from their parents. An altered gene can place you at a higher risk of developing certain diseases earlier. Some infections can appear randomly around the time they are born. Another reason is if it is hereditary, they are passed on to the child. The following are examples:
- Some forms of cancers
- Hemophilia
- Congenital disabilities
- Increased cholesterol and many more such conditions
Treating genetic infection disease
As many genetic infections are caused due to changes in the genes, so it can be understood that each cell that makes up the body will be affected. Although these conditions cannot be cured, some ways and methods can make it easier to manage and treat these conditions. Here are some ways that can help in reducing the chances of falling ill due to genetic susceptibility:
- Due to genetic changes that cause a break in the production of specific enzymes, an error in metabolism can occur, personified by Phenylketonuria.
- A genetic disorder that causes a heart defect might need surgery or a heart transplant.
- Similarly, conditions caused due to defective blood cell formation can cause sickle cell disease. A bone marrow transplant can help create normal blood cells and, if done at an early stage, can help in reducing pain and other complications.
- Some other forms of genetic infections can also cause health problems in the future. One such condition is familial cancer which is caused due to the mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes.
- Various other genetic conditions can also cause severe genetic susceptibility to many diseases. For example, such conditions can affect the embryo leading to miscarriage. Other times, such genetic conditions can cause the affected infants to be either stillborn or have a short life before passing away.
Although these conditions might be manageable for a short time with the help of pain relief or mechanical breathing assistance, there are very few treatments available for extremely severe genetic infections. Several therapies do not cause a change in the genetic mutations, but some involving gene therapy is under clinical trial.
Now that you are aware of the genetic infection disease and the different types of genetic issues. Let’s understand the best ways to ensure that you can find a genetic infection disease expert to manage the genetic conditions you or your loved ones might need assistance with.
Finding a genetic professional
It is quite common for diseases like heart issues, cancer, and diabetes to run in the family. However, when it comes to genetic infection disease, it is the best choice to look for an experienced and professional genetic professional to understand the chances of genetic skin conditions or rare genetic heart conditions running in your family. Here are some of the steps that will make it easier for your to find and contact a genetic professional.
- The National Society of Genetic Counselors has a directory of all the best and most experienced genetic professionals.
- American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics Genetics has a database that can provide you with the most experienced genetic professionals.
The databases mentioned above will help you know about the best genetic professionals near you. They will also help you get to know the chances of you or your loved one having and passing on genetic conditions or genetic infections and how to manage them in the best way possible.
Genetic information in the treatment of disease
Once you have been provided with the information regarding the chances of various genetic infections that could be transferred, it is important to contact a specialist who can help in reducing the chances of the genetic infection being passed to the next generation. Some of the best ways they can help are as follows:
- Due to the rarity of genetic conditions, it is necessary to get medications that address the specific set of issues and ensure that the genetic infection is kept in control.
- Due to their not-so-good financial condition, some people might find it difficult to afford the latest treatment methods in treating their conditions.
- There are chances of discrimination from medical health insurance companies that create barriers for people in need of treatment and medicine to reduce the symptoms of their genetic condition.
- Some rare genetic heart conditions can also be treated with the help of specific medicines provided due to the expertise of the genetic professional. Therefore, there is a need for people to be aware of such medicines and treatments.
- Genetic conditions and infections are quite rare. Therefore, it is important to ensure that you and the genetic professional keep the information private.
All the information provided here is quite helpful in understanding the best ways to treat and manage a genetic infection, especially in older adults. So it is extremely important to ensure that total privacy is maintained for such genetic issues and conditions. Doing so will ensure that your elderly loved one can stay safe and healthy for a long time.
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