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Teal Swan on How to Manage Loneliness with The Completion Process

Teal Swan

Teal Swan

Loneliness is something that most people tackle. It is growing in the world, and most men and women are falling prey to depression and suicide because of it. Here, they need to be guided into healing and understanding the fact that life has many other interesting things to offer. These things can heal loneliness and help one get back to life with renewed energy and spirit. 

Teal Swan – A shining light in the spiritual world 

Teal Swan is a popular spiritual teacher in the USA. She focuses on emotional healing and authenticity. She tours the world and is a famous public speaker. She is a best-selling author with Hay House and hosts a successful channel on YouTube called “Ask Teal.” Her channel has more than 20 million views, and the number of subscribers on it is a quarter million.

The Completion Process can be used to curb loneliness 

One of her most successful books was “The Completion Process,” and following its success, she has written another book named “The Anatomy of Loneliness: How to Find Your Way Back to Connection.” In this book, she gives readers an insight into the understanding of loneliness and explores it deeply. With the help of her extraordinary technique of healing- The Connection Process, she offers people a unique experience on how to get back into connection again. 

The threats of loneliness in society today 

Loneliness is rising in society today, and it is reaching endemic proportions. This is seen in the rising number of men and women committing suicide and the surging cases of mental illness. 

Difference between alone and loneliness 

There is a difference between loneliness and the state of physically being alone. The former is the state or the feeling of being isolated or separated. Her book focuses on people that suffer from loneliness, the type that is not resolved simply by staying close or being around others. Their feeling of loneliness is deeply embedded in their minds, and this pattern is very painful and negative. The feelings of loneliness are often triggered by addiction, trauma, loss, and a deep sense of insecurity or a lack of self-esteem. 

In her book, The Anatomy of Loneliness, Teal Swan recognizes the three major pillars or the key qualities of the feeling of loneliness. They are shame, fear, and separation. She later shared her popular and revolutionary technique called the Connection Process to help people battle loneliness and return to a happy and meaningful life. 

The Connection Process is a unique form of an intuitive journey that generally involves two persons- the first person is called the receiver, and the second person is called the “journeyer.” With the help of a number of exercises, each person experiences blockages or walls as they gradually move toward the process. Both of the persons here face fears and learn from them to successfully reach a point of acceptance and unconditional love. In this way, people have overcome the pangs of loneliness with time and have returned to normal life with a meaningful existence!




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