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Some Amazing Facts About Bear

There are eight bear species around the globe with an endangered status that ranges from least to vulnerable. According to the type that inhabit <a href=””>the bear’s</a> habitat, it’s North America, South America, Europe, Asia, and the northernmost polar regions. Although they are not usually considered to be a threat to humans, they could be animals that pose dangerous if provoked or scared or approached by young bears (cubs) occur.

<strong>Types of Bear – The 8 Different Bear Species</strong>
It is known that there are 8 distinct species of bear which differ in appearance, size and nature of their food preferences. They are found all over North America, South America, Europe and Asia. The types of bears include:
Asiatic Black Bear (Asian Black Bear) The Asiatic black bear sometimes known as the moon bear is primarily an herbivore species of bear that is found mostly within <a href=””>Southern Asia</a>, Afghanistan and areas of Japan. They typically live in the mountains of regions.
Brown Bear Brown Bear is commonly referred to as the gryzly bear. They are found in North America, Asia and Europe. They are most easily recognized by the humps which hang over their shoulders, as well as the massive brown body. These are the bears most likely to die among all bears currently.
North American Black Bear – The North American black bear can be seen from Northern Canada to Central Mexico. It does not have a preference for climate. They even feed on the prickly pear cactus. The bear is a favourite of mountain ranges. But, you can find them in wetlands and meadows as well.
Polar Bear Polar Bear Polar bears are found only in the Arctic region that surrounds the North Pole. They travel on floating glacial blocks of ice. As the blocks of ice melt the danger to the survival of polar bears rises, which makes them more vulnerable to disappearance.
The Spectacled Bear A bear with a spectacle of all kinds, commonly referred to as”the Andean bear, is known for its love of being in the woods. The only bear species that lives within South America. They are threatened with extinction due to the murder of human beings in order to make money, and also due to mythology.
Panda Bear Panda Bear Panda bear is possibly the most well-known bear on earth because of their adorable appearance. They’re primarily a fan of bamboo found on the outskirts of Central China. Panda bears are thought to be endangered due to the high demand for them on the black market.
Sloth Bear – The sloth bear is given its name due to its resemblance to the sloth animal. The long snouts of the animal permits them to consume prey that isn’t normally associated with bears such as termites and insects. They can be found in India in addition to Sri Lanka.
Sun Bear Sun Bear Sun bears are distinctive due to their crescent-shaped, cream-colored marks upon their chests. Since they eat a lot of nests of bees they are often called honey bears. They are found throughout Malaysia and Indonesia and are at risk of extinction because of deforestation.




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