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Six Tips to Fix Netgear Router Password Not Working Issue

Many users owning Netgear wireless routers have been complaining of experiencing the Netgear router password not working issue. Are you also having a bad time because of the same issue while trying to access the Netgear Nighthawk setup wizard? Well, that is no good news. But, the good thing is that we are here to help you out.

In this article, you will find every troubleshooting hack required to get the admin login password of your wireless router to work within minutes. Continue reading this article.

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What Prior Troubleshooting?

Before you learn about the several techniques through which the Netgear router password not working issue can be resolved, it is recommended that you have a look at the entrée which you have made. Is it correct? Are there any typing errors in the password? Well, if there are, then you need to enter the correct password. Although this will work for you, in case, it refuses to, then following the below-mentioned section will bring you luck.

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[Fixed] Netgear Router Password Not Working Issue

1. Restart the Netgear Router

Rebooting or restarting the Netgear router has helped plenty of struggling users resolve technical issues. Chances are that you might be able to troubleshoot the Netgear router password not working issue using the same method. By any chance, if you are not able to, then it is recommended that you walk through the following troubleshooting hack.

2. Check the Field Used

Another reason that might have pushed you to be a part of this mess is the usage of the wrong field. Yes, you got that right. There is a possibility that you entered the password of your wireless router into the Username field. To correct your mistake, consider entering it in the Password field located on the Netgear router login page.

3. Update the Internet Brower

Can you recall the last time when you updated your internet browser? No? Well then, you ought to do it now because we can’t deny that an outdated web browser might have led you to the Netgear router password not working issue. In order to update your internet browser, you have got to access the Settings menu and select the Update Browser button.

Apart from upgrading your internet browser, make it clean by making it free of browsing history, cookies, and cache. This will prevent you from facing more technical issues.

4. Speed Up the Internet Connection

A weak or slow internet connection is the fourth reason why you are experiencing the Netgear router password not working issue. In order to take care of the problem, contact your Internet Service Provider. Confirm if everything is fine from his end. In case, it is not, then given him a couple of hours to troubleshoot the issue.

Despite following the troubleshooting hack, if you are still not able to log in to your device using the admin login password, then you already know what to do.

5. Update the System Software

Just like humans need books, motivational quotes, or a regular boost of confidence to function well in life, in the same way, your system needs a software update every now and then. However, if you do not update it on time, then you can easily face issues similar to the one that you are currently experiencing.

Taking this into consideration, update the software of your system right away. For this, you need to select Windows > Settings > Update & Security > Reboot Now.

6. Reset the Netgear Router

Are you still a victim of the Netgear router password not working issue? Well then, you are left with no other option than to reset your Netgear wireless router. You can do the needful by pressing the Reset button located on your networking device. Right after you are done resetting your device, set it up from scratch via the Nighthawk app or the WPS method.

Final Thoughts

These were the best troubleshooting tips to fix the Netgear router password not working issue. Let us hope that this article helped you to make the admin login password of your wireless router work. If you are interested in sharing the number of hacks that helped you out, then do so now via the comment section. Your fellow readers will get happy.




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