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Penguin Features

<strong><a href=””>penguin</a></strong>, (order Sphenisciformes) one of the 18-21 species that are flightless marine birds that reside only in the Southern Hemisphere. Most species live not in Antarctica however, but in the region between 45deg and 60deg S in the region where they nest on islands. A few penguins inhabit temperate regions One of them is called the Galapagos penguin ( <em>Spheniscus mendiculus</em>) is found at the Equator.

General Features
The stockyand short-legged appearance of penguins has attracted them to all kinds of people. They range from about 35 cm (14 inches) in height. They weigh around 1 kg (about two pounds) in weight in the blue or fairy, penguin ( <em>Eudyptula minor</em>) to 115 cm (45 inches) and 25 to 40 kg (55 or 90lbs) in the Emperor penguin ( <em>Aptenodytes forsteri</em>). Most are black on the back and white beneath usually with lines of black along the breast area or white spots at the top of the head. The color is rare, restricted to yellow or red irises of the eye in some species as well as feet or beaks that are red in some species; eyebrow tufts of yellow in the three species of Eudyptes; as well as yellow and orange on the head, neck, and breast in the Emperor and King (A. patagonica) penguins.
The population of certain species, such as the Emperor, are estimated to be in hundreds of thousands however, most types of lesser penguins exceed the million. Innumerable island breeding colonies which are filled with hundreds of of nesting pairs, constitute an immense food source However, the economic significance of penguins is hardly significant. <a href=””>The 19th century</a> seal hunters and whalers visited colonies for their eggs and meat, as well as an oil-producing penguin industry had a large number of birds. The early 20th century, however, the exploitation of these birds was no longer lucrative, and the majority of colonies were left unoccupied or actively secured. Certain species are now growing in number, possibly as a due to the mid-20th century’s decimation of Antarctic whales. Whales fight with penguins over the Krill (minute crustaceans) on which both feed. Penguin populations, however, are very affected by shifts in climate and ocean temperature, including recent global warming. Penguins also are very sensitive to depletion of local fish populations by humans.
Natural History
Many features of the penguin life cycle change with body size and geographic distribution. The timing of breeding could also differ within a specific species, in relation to the latitude. The majority of species breed just once per year. Certain species, like those of African penguin ( <em>Spheniscus demersus</em>) as well as other species of this genus, and the blue penguin breed twice in a year. A king penguin is born two times in three years. A single egg will be laid by emperor as well as penguins of the king; others lay two eggs or, occasionally, three. The majority of penguins breed in the austral (southern) winter or spring. King penguins are on an 18-month to 14-month period, while the time of a pair’s individual breeding is contingent on the success or lack thereof of their previous breeding attempts. There are a few populations of the gentoo penguin ( <em>Pygoscelis papua</em>) also breed in winter. The breeding of the emperor penguin is initiated in autumn, apparently timed to ensure that the extended developmental period will result in the birth of the young around midsummer, at the time which is when the chances of survival are best.
A variety of visual and vocal display are used between the arrival of the birds at the colony until their departure. Calls for courtship are commonly used for pairings and in a lesser amount during the next stages of breeding. There are distinct vocal differences between males and females in the emperor penguin and king penguin but they are less distinct in different species. Once they have arrived at the colony each returns to the nest that it left the previous year, and usually reunites with its partner of the previous year in the event that the death of the other one forces it to select a different partner. This applies even to the emperor penguin, which can locate its mate even in the absence of a nest as well as the huge size of the colony.




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