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Joon Faii Ong London- Changing Lives with GyroGlove For Patients With Parkinson’s Disease



Many people have Parkinson’s Disease, where the main symptoms are tremors, instability in their posture, rigidity, and slowness of movement. These tremors are known as resting tremors medically, and they are generally bilateral and, at times, unilateral. The most common earthquake is like a rolling pin between the thumb and forefinger. 

There are other forms of tremors like the kinetic tremor or an action voluntarily, like eating, drinking from a cup, and writing. Earthquakes can also occur in other body parts like the head, tongue, facial muscles, and jaw, leading to slurred speech or other problems. 

Joon Faii Ong London – inventing the GyroGlove for hand tremors

He is the CEO of GyroGear, a leading name in medical wearable technology. He is the inventor of the brand which aims to help patients with Parkinson’s Disease and those suffering from hand tremors regain control of their lives by independently carrying out daily tasks. This glove is compact and built with innovative technology by Joon Faii Ong London and his dedicated team of healthcare experts and bio-engineers. It has passed several quality tests and has been well received by volunteers who have used it.

A glove to make life simpler

Currently, this glove is still in its development and testing stages. Hopefully, it will be released in the market to help patients worldwide lead a better-quality life when it comes to using their hands voluntarily. 

Tips to patients who have Parkinson’s disease 

When it comes to improving life for people with Parkinson’s disease, some modifications to the lifestyle, equipment, and environment can help them. When one walks in a crowded place or outside, it is prudent to slow the pace of walking or stay close to walls for support. Here, walking sticks are helpful for such people. Companions should always walk beside the person, not in front or behind. This will help them look for obstacles that might result in a fall.

Sitting on a chair, sleeping, and the intake medicines during the night

When seated on a chair, it is advisable to keep the footrest at the proper level as per the height of the chair’s backrest. It should never be too high or reach over the person that standing up becomes difficult or the footrest is too low for the person to stand up without effort. 

Joon Faii Ong London suggests that people with Parkinson’s disease should use a softer mattress or pillow than regular ones for extra comfort when it comes to sleeping. This mattress or pillow will help those people who have issues lying on the bed in a flat position. In addition to the above, using a clock with bright backlights and hands can help them monitor taking their medicines at night without getting up and turning on the lights for the task. These are simple tips that patients with Parkinson’s disease can practice daily to achieve a better quality of life and health. 




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