Best vastu consultant in Kolkata often finds them self explaining to people that there are 16 directions in total for vastu, instead of 8 as they originally assumes.
As per common perception, there exists 10 directions- north, east, south, west, ishan (NE), agni (SE), nairit (SW), vayu (NW), akash (upwards) and patal (downwards).
But Best vastu consultant in Kolkata takes 16 directions in account while doing vastu evaluation. Each of these directions represents one unique aspect for its occupants.
Best vastu consultant in Kolkata explains them all one by one in the following sections;
- East- it is the zone of social connectivity in vastu. This zone will help you form connection with influential people. People who are associated with public relation must utilize this most. Such individuals are politicians, contractors, builders and sales personal etc.
- East of South East (ESE)- it represents churning in vastu. It causes repeated circulation. This is extremely suitable for toilet, bathroom, septic tank and washing machine placements. But people involved in research line can also place their bedroom in here.
- South East (SE)- this represents fire in the vastu and referred to Agni zone in common. It brings in financial prosperity if used properly. This is most suitable for kitchen. Placing toilet, septic etc here can bring major vastu defect.
- South of South East (SSE)- this is also the zone of fire, along with power and confidence. It can bring these benefits if you place the kitchen or bedroom in this zone. It can be utilized positively by both businessmen and service people.
- South- it is the zone of name, fame and relaxation in vastu. Best vastu consultant in Kolkata recommends making bedroom in here for best result. It will offer good recognition and complete relaxation for you.
- South of South West (SSW)- this is the zone of disposal in the vastu. For best result you must place toilet, bathroom, septic tank and washing machine in here. Any defect in SSW zone can trigger high expenditure of its resident family. In long run it can result into increasing debts leading into financial crisis.
- South West (SW)- this represents relationships and stability aspects in the vastu. This is also the zone of pitra. Thus, you can pray to your ancestors in here. A bedroom in SW zone is best for all, except elderly people of the family. Placing a toilet in her triggers major vastu defect.
- West of South West (WSW) – this represents education and savings aspects in the vastu. For best result, you should place the children’s room or study table in here.
- West- this is the zone of profit and gain. This zone can also fulfill our dreams, if used positively. Any defects of west zone can make it difficult reaching one’s aim in life. It is also very crucial for business vastu properties.
- West of North West (WNW)- this is the zone of depression and detoxifying in the vastu. For best result, place toilet, bathroom, septic tank or washing machine in here. Sleeping in this zonal bedroom can bring stress and depression.
- North West (NW)- it is called the vayu zone and represents support in vastu. you can place the store room in this zone. It can be utilized to make dining room as well.
- North of North West (NNW)- this is the zone sex and attraction in the vastu. Sleeping in this zone is ideal for new couples. But young children must not sleep in here for long.
- North- this is the zone of opportunity in vastu. As per Best vastu consultant in Kolkata lord Kuber lies here. It is known for brings huge wealth and new opportunities in life for its occupants.
- North of North East (NNE)- this represents health in vastu. Presence of toilet or kitchen in here can result in constant sufferings in the family due to some or the other illness.
- North East (NE)- this is called the Ishan zone since lord shiva resides here. This is most suitable for placing a puja room. Toilet or septic tank in here can trigger severe vastu defects in the vastu.
- East of North East (ENE)- this represents the zone of fun and recreation in vastu. Placing living room in here can help family members bond with each other. Best vastu consultant in Kolkata recommends placing a family picture in brown casing in here.
Each of these 16 zones is unique in their nature and they must be utilized in positive way to bring its best features for your overall benefits.
Get in touch with Best vastu consultant in Kolkata for getting complete guidance for it. Rely on the experts of Vaastu Mangaal for all your needs. We offer expert vastu service for people all across India.
Description- Best vastu consultant in Kolkata lists out all 16 zones in the vastu along with its unique features that makes them special.
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