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Is it possible to organize a healthy birthday party?

Is it possible to organize a healthy birthday party

Is it possible to organize a healthy birthday party

Healthy birthday party: There are healthy, fun and attractive options for children to enjoy their day in a way that is suitable for their well-being, both physical and emotional.

Let’s start with the data: 35% of children between the ages of 8 and 16 are overweight, and one in five is obese, according to the PASOS 2019 study by the Gasol Foundation. And now let’s think about all those birthdays full of industrial cakes, soft drinks and trinkets that our children attend every month, or almost every week. Can we not do anything? It is time to rethink priorities and, above all, not to assume that children only want celebrations with that type of food. Find out below what you can do to organize a healthy birthday because, don’t forget, the example is everything.

It is possible that, if we give them an open bar, few children will have a bottom when it comes to eating chips, worms, soft drinks and sweets of all kinds; foods that still populate the menu of many of the many birthday parties they attend each year, invited by their friends or classmates. Salt, sugars, saturated fats and many empty calories. It is up to the parents to prepare food that is both tasty, attractive and nutritionally sound. 

Birthday is an occasion for friends and family to enjoy and eat together. When a friend hears about a birthday party, food and dance comes to mind and for the birthday boy he thinks how old am I today

There are many examples on the Internet, so let’s review some ideas and tips.

But first, a paradigm shift: no, sir, we don’t get together on birthdays to eat because we are already doing that on any other weekend. Instead, “you have to think that a birthday should be an emotional experience not focused on food,” recommends pediatrician Carlos Casabona, author of ‘You choose what you eat’. But that concept is lost when each month there are several birthdays in which you eat the same as any Saturday,” he points out.

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Ideas for a healthier birthday

It may be time to change the menu offer and populate it with foods that are as rich as they are nutritionally recommended: you will surprise children and adults. And remember that, whenever possible, it is better to choose seasonal and local products to reduce our carbon footprint and make the celebration more sustainable:

  • Dipping creams such as guacamole, hummus or baba generous h, accompanied by whole wheat bread and baby carrots or carrot sticks.
  • Cups with yogurt and pieces of fruit that can also be served on delicious skewers even dipped in chocolate (as long as it is high in cocoa and without added sugar).
  • What do you think of some toasties with peanut butter or hazelnut paste made in the comfort of your own kitchen?
  • Do not forget the classics made at home because they will surely devour a good potato omelet or, why not, an empanada.
  • To snack on, cherry tomatoes, nuts (as long as the little ones are over three years old), homemade popcorn or some pickles like olives (without too much salt).
  • To drink natural shakes without added sugar or flavored waters.
  • Instead of ultra-processed industrial cakes, you can prepare a homemade recipe and ask for the collaboration of the children.
  • Of course, it is not necessary to go crazy either, so if the little one likes it, we can include some fries (yes, without much salt).

In any case, remember that food should not be the most important thing on a birthday, but that they have a good time playing together. “We can, for example, involve the little one in the preparation of the party itself, preparing the appetizers, putting up the garlands or cutting the orange slices to decorate the glasses of water”, explains Casabona. And then, dedicate as much time as necessary to the celebration, planning the music and games that will be organized (adapted to each age), such as contests (a gymkhana leaving clues all over the house, for example), karaoke and even a mini escape room. 

Organize games and surprises for children

And although it may be impossible to think, nothing happens if not all the children in the class are invited “to look good”: it is better to invite only those with whom your child has more affinity. Instead of spending an entire budget on food, spend more on entertainment and bring in a local theater group or magician (but, mind you, it’s just a birthday party). “And if there is not so much money, you can entertain them yourself, but plan it beforehand,” recommends the pediatrician.

Nor should we forget the emotional well-being of the minor and the idea that is being transmitted to him if a big party is organized with a multitude of gifts, since they can even make the honoree come to identify happiness with the number of gifts received and instead of sharing birthday shayari people come to the celebration  A possible alternative is that the parents of the school organize themselves to, for example, make a single joint gift.

And as an end-of-party favor, put aside the everlasting bag of goodies and replace it with thoughtful detail, such as a pretty drawing on cardboard or even a laminated sheet, with a photo of the cake on one side and the recipe on the other (something that, surely, will delight parents).

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