It’s the start of a new semester. After you’ve purchased your uniforms and school supplies, you’ll need to spend a significant amount on school shoes. Most parents prefer to buy quality shoes like ROC school shoes as they will last longer. Also, there are various ways to make the shoes last longer, but most people are unaware of them. So this article gives you some quick tips on caring for your ROC shoes.
Use a waterproof spray
Waterproofing school shoes is necessary to keep them in good condition and protect them from the weather. Because water shrinks and dries the leather over time, waterproofing is effective. Keep in mind that certain waterproof sprays are better than others before reaching for the old waterproof spray. Look for a water-resistant shoe spray that is free of PFCs and fluorine.
Allow enough time for them to dry
It helps when children’s shoes get damp. If your ROC school shoes get wet, don’t use a radiator, another heat source, or a clothes dryer to dry them. Instead, rolling the newspaper into your shoes is the most refined approach to care for your child’s school shoes. After that, let the shoe air dry. Newsprint absorbs moisture without cracking or drying the leather.
Polish the shoes frequently
The school shoes have seen better days. It’s an unavoidable truth of life. Investing in a scuff guard is the simplest method to protect them. These solutions allow you to hide scratches fast, restore colour and shine, and keep your shoes looking brighter for longer.
How to polish
- Step 1
Use a soft brush or a moist cloth to clean extra dirt and debris. If you’re using a damp towel, make sure your shoes are dry before moving on to the following step.
- Step 2
Cover the whole shoe with a good grade oil-based abrasive and apply it evenly to each portion of the shoe with a shoeshine brush. Allow 15 minutes for the polish to dry after you’ve finished.
Using natural methods to deal with niffs
Do not be concerned if your child’s shoes begin to stink. Baking soda may be used to combat odours organically. Just a little baking soda will be enough. Empty the baking soda from the shoe on the following day. The smell ought to go.
Keep them tidy
Maintain dirt and mud off your child’s school shoes to keep them in good shape. To prevent stains from setting in, wipe thoroughly with a soft, moist cloth at least once a week. You may wish to remove the leather cleaner from time to time.
Best way to clean black shoes
The most popular colour for school shoes is black, but it is also one of the hardest to maintain clean. There are multiple things you can do to make life simpler for yourself.
If your ROC school shoes are leather, use a moist towel to wipe them down. Using a heat source, remove extra dirt and air dry. After that, you may apply high-quality leather oil to your footwear. This helps to keep the leather from ripping and causing water damage. To clean extra dirt from suede shoes, use a soft bristle brush. Water should not be used on suede.
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