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How to Pay Property Tax Online in Ahmedabad?


Property tax in Ahmedabad is applicable on every property in this city and levied by the local municipal authorities. The tax rate here varies depending on different factors such as property type, size, location, etc. Paying property tax on time is essential as it helps property owners to avoid any legal hassle.

Thus, to avoid any such issues, one must know how to pay this tax. This guide will provide an insight into this process and pay property tax without any hassle.

Steps to pay Ahmedabad Municipal tax 

Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation or AMC is one of the first municipalities to have introduced online payment facilities. With this, one can now pay property tax Ahmedabad online

One must follow these steps to pay property tax in Ahmedabad through the official website or the mobile application: 

  1. Navigate to the official portal of AMC and press on the ‘Quick pay link’
  2. Then, you must select ‘pay property tax’
  3. Enter your tenement number and then select ‘Search’
  4. Then, the page will be redirected to display the property owner’s name, address, outstanding property tax, and resident, if any 
  5. Check all the necessary information and then click on ‘pay’
  6. You will be redirected to a page containing your tenement and payment details, and you need to enter your email ID and phone number and click on ‘confirm’
  7. It will then redirect you to a payment gateway, and you can pay either through debit or credit card. After your payment is complete, you will get a Transaction Reference Number.
  8. Individuals will receive the official tax receipt via email from AMC. An individual can download the Ahmedabad municipal corporation tax bill for future reference. It is one of the vital documents needed to apply for a loan against property. 

How to calculate Ahmedabad house tax

The AMC evaluates the tax based on the capital value of a property. They take into consideration the following factors: 

  1. Occupancy 
  2. Location and age of the property 
  3. Floor area 
  4. Type of property 
  5. Its usage 

Here is the formula to calculate property tax in Ahmedabad

Property tax payable = Area*Rate (f1 x f2 x f3 x f4 x fn)

Here, f1 represents the weightage of the property’s location

  • f2 is equal to the property type
  • f3 is equivalent to the property’s age 
  • f4 is the weightage allocated to a residential property
  • fn is assigned to a user of the property.

Individuals can also check the values of the above weightage on the official website of the AMC. 

Moreover, one must also contact the lending institution for any additional documents and associated charges on loan against property.  

Also Read: What Are the Different Ways to Pay SDMC Property tax?

Importance of paying property tax

Individuals must understand the significance of keeping Ahmedabad municipal tax bill payments up-to-date.

Firstly, in case of any property dispute, it acts as proof of ownership. 

Secondly, if a taxpayer defaults in payment, he\she is liable to pay a 2% fine every month.

Last but not least, while applying for a loan against property, the lenders will ask for the property papers and if they notice any dues in the payment of taxes, there is a high possibility that the loan application might get rejected. 

Furthermore, the availability of pre-approved offers extended by leading financiers streamlines the loan application process and saves time. These offers are applicable on financial products like loans against property, home loans, etc. Individuals can check their pre-approved offer by providing their essential contact details.

Properties exempted from taxation 

As per AMC, those residential areas with 40 square metres or less will enjoy a 100% rebate. Furthermore, if an individual pays the tax once by 31st March and by 15th October, they will also be eligible for exemption. In addition, the following are the list of properties that are exempted from paying the property tax: 

  1. Cremation property 
  2. Agricultural ground 
  3. Government property 
  4. Heritage sites 
  5. Charitable properties and buildings 
  6. Religious grounds 

Thus, individuals must pay property tax in Ahmedabad timely and avoid facing any difficulties while applying for any property loan. 




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