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How to Design Custom Candle Boxes


Candle boxes are a great way to show off your creative side and to make a lasting impression on your guests. In this article, we will show you how to design custom candle boxes using various online tools. You’ll be able to choose the type of paper, the font, and even the layout of the text. So get ready to impress your guests with your creative flair!

What You’ll Need

To design custom candle boxes, you’ll need a computer with a drawing program, photocopy machine, and a printer. You’ll also need: cardboard, scissors, hole punch, paper ribbon, adhesive tape, medium green paint, black paint, white paint, bronze paint, and candle votives.

1.Start by creating a template for your candle box. This can be done by tracing the outline of a standard candle box onto blank cardboard. Be sure to enlarge the outline so that it’s big enough to fit your chosen candles inside. Once your template is complete, cut out the appropriate pieces and set them aside.

2.Next, print out your template onto some more cardboard and cut it out. If you’re using individual votives instead of candles in your boxes, be sure to cut out the votive holders as well.

3.Now it’s time to start painting! First, mix up some medium green paint with black paint to create a base color for your boxes. Paint the entire outside of each box with this mixture, using a brush if desired. Allow the paint to dry completely before moving on to the next step.

4.For the

How to Make the Candle Boxes

Candle boxes are a great way to present your candles. There are many different types of candle boxes that you can create, and the sky is the limit when it comes to decoration. Whether you want a simple box with a basic design or something more elaborate, this guide will show you how to make your own custom candle boxes.

To start, choose a template or pattern that you want to use as your basis for your box. You can find many free templates online or at craft stores. Once you have chosen a template, trace it onto cardboard or paper and cut out the desired shape. Be sure to cut out enough pieces so that you can assemble the box later on.

Once you have your template ready, begin assembling the box by cutting out additional pieces of cardboard or paper to match the size and shape of the template. Glue these pieces together using a strong adhesive, such as construction adhesive or superglue. If you want to add extra decorations (such as small pictures), now is the time to do so.

Once the glue has dried, paint or Stain the entire box using your desired color(s). Allow the finish to dry completely before adding any final decorations.

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Tips for Making a Custom Candle Box

Making your own custom candle boxes is a great way to give your candles a unique look and feel. Here are some tips for making the process easy and fun:

  1. Start by sketching out a rough design on paper or in your head. This will help you plan the layout of the box and make sure all the details are correct.
  2. Once you have a basic idea in mind, start printing out images of different candle styles and colors onto cardstock or other sturdy paper. Cut out the images, and use them as inspiration when designing your own box.
  3. Once you have a design that you’re happy with, start cutting out pieces of cardboard to fit around the image. Be sure to leave enough room around the image so that you can write down the name of the candle and other details (like scent).
  4. Once all the pieces are cut out, glue them together using a variety of adhesive options (including hot glue, double-sided tape, or even just a strong staple). Make sure to let everything dry completely before finishing up the box!


Luxury Candle boxes can be a great way to show your creativity and craftsmanship, while also creating an elegant gift. Whether you’re designing them for yourself or as a gift for someone special, following these tips will help you create the perfect candle box. Happy crafting!




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