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Electrical Safety Inspections and Why You Need Them

Do you have electrical problems? If not, you should have electrical safety inspections performed regularly. Faulty wiring can cause fires, and GFCIs will prevent accidents. If you want to be safe, have your home or business inspected regularly. This article will cover why you should insist on electrical safety inspections. It also covers the cost of getting one. But why is it important? Here’s why you should have an electrical RCD testing done before buying a new property.

Why you should insist on electrical safety inspections

The number of home fires and injuries is on the rise, and there are many reasons to have an electrical safety inspection performed before selling your home. Not only do these inspections ensure that your home is not overloaded, they also highlight potential hazards and risks. In this guide, we’ll discuss the benefits of electrical safety inspections, including why they’re important, how to pass one, and how to get one yourself.

GFCIs prevent fires

GFCIs are one of the most important safety features in a home. These circuit breakers prevent electrical fires when water and electricity mix. These devices have been around since the 1970s, but a lot of people don’t know about them. These outlets need to be tested at least monthly to ensure proper protection. If a GFCI fails, it needs to be replaced by a qualified electrician.

Hazards of faulty wiring

Hazards of faulty wiring can lead to fires or other dangerous situations, and failing to have your home electrical system inspected can make this a dangerous situation. Faulty wiring can also pose a threat to your safety, posing a risk of electrical shock. Faulty wiring, outlets, and overloaded circuits can be dangerous, but annual electrical safety inspections can help catch these problems before they become a real problem.

Cost of an electrical safety inspection

An electrical safety inspection is essential for your home, not only for the safety of your family, but also to avoid costly damages. Inefficient electrical systems can cause fire, burn, and other damages, and an inspection will highlight any concerns. A properly-done inspection can also save you money by identifying any necessary repairs or upgrades. If you’re in the market for a new home, an inspection is especially important. However, if you have an older home with aluminum wiring, it may be worth your while to invest in an inspection.

Keeping your home safe from electrical hazards

Electrical hazards can cause fire and electric shock, and are a leading cause of house fires in Canada. In fact, electrical equipment was involved in almost 34,000 home structure fires in 2014, causing more than 470 civilian deaths and more than $150 million in direct property damage. Listed below are some common electrical hazards and how to prevent them. In addition to knowing the risks, you should also be aware of your surroundings, including the wiring and outlets in your home.




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