March 18, 2025

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Breaking News Fresno Secures Deal with Popular Amusement Park

fresno amusement parks


The company:

Fresno has been working on this deal for over a year. The city is close to securing a contract with a popular amusement park that would bring hundreds of jobs and millions of dollars in revenue to the community. The park would be located near Highway 99 and Bullard Avenue, which is currently an under-developed area in the heart of downtown.

Will this take place:

We are hearing that the deal has not been finalized, but has progressed to a point where the City is looking at incentives to lure the amusement park. These incentives would include water and sewer services, as well as assistance with infrastructure costs. For years, Fresnans have had to drive out of town for a good time. The theme parks in Los Angeles are hours away and Disneyland is over 300 miles from our city limits. This proposed amusement park would be just an hour away from home for many residents and could provide jobs for locals in this area of the Valley. And it’s about time! With so many other cities enjoying recreational opportunities close by, we can’t wait any longer!

How will this benefit the city:

Fresno residents could soon be saying goodbye to long road trips to theme parks around the state, as the city is close to securing a deal with a popular amusement park. The Fresno Convention and Visitors Bureau is in the process of negotiating a deal for an unnamed theme park company that would keep the company’s headquarters in Fresno and bring jobs to the community. One theme park company might not seem like much, but it can make all the difference in reducing unemployment rates and boosting our economy. This will also provide more job opportunities for Fresnans who are looking for new careers and attractions for tourists who want to visit our great city. With so many benefits, we hope this agreement moves forward quickly!


What can you do to make this project happen:

Fresnans will soon be able to say goodbye to long road trips to theme parks around the state, as the city is close to securing a deal with a popular amusement park.
It’s been in negotiations for months and now, the city has some tangible evidence that this project could become a reality. We have an agreement from them that they are going to enter into negotiations for purchase of property, said Economic Development Director Larry Westerlund.
As part of the agreement, Westerlund says the theme park would give up its current location in order to build an even larger one at Woodward Park.

Other details about the project:

The deal is still in the works, but Mayor Lee Brand said it would be for a 30-year lease of about 500 acres. The park would include a waterpark and an amusement center, which would cost up to $1 billion. The city will pay for it by selling bonds over time. City officials hope to get more funding from investors and the state. If this comes to fruition, construction could begin as soon as next year and be open by 2022




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