Amid the hectic lifestyles that we lead characterized by erratic work schedules and sleep schedules, along with unhealthy lifestyles and stress, it becomes more difficult to avoid commonly-occurring lifestyle illnesses. To avoid lifestyle-related diseases like diabetes, overweight, high lipids, and high blood pressure, we must first establish a healthy and balanced way of life. Most of the conditions associated with lifestyle are treatable and sometimes even reversible in the early stages in the case of a healthy lifestyle. The prevention of lifestyle-related diseases will ensure your heart is healthy.
A muscular organ which functions like it is an engine. The heart is the fuel that powers our body. It pumps blood. The heart’s chambers provide a multi-step route for blood first to be sent to the lungs to allow for respiration before it is pumped to the body’s cells to ensure that we are alive. Every time breathing, the valves in the heart are opened and closed.
Any small obstruction to this muscle organ can result in heart disease, known as cardiovascular conditions. It is due to the obstruction of blood vessels, plaques of fat that block arteries and a lack of muscle strength.
Ayurvedic methods to maintain your heart health
The statistics show that heart ailments are the main cause of death among females and males across the globe. However, Ayurveda wellness centre suggest that there are various options you can manage each day to ensure your heart is healthy.
Here are some Ayurvedic ideas to assist you in starting. Select at least one of the techniques you can incorporate into your daily routine, and then add another one or two every couple of weeks until you start to live a healthy life. It’s your heart, but your entire body will be grateful for your efforts.
Learn how to manage stress
It isn’t logical to claim that we must try to live a stress-free life because stress is an element of life in this day and age. Thus, while we cannot eliminate stress, the art of managing stress effectively is more crucial. Stress, both emotional and mental, can affect your emotional well-being. Yoga and meditation, Shirodhara massage techniques can work amazing things in helping you deal with stress. Speak to experts who will assist you in this area. Join the yoga class and perform breathing exercises regularly. Transcendental Meditation can be extremely beneficial since research has shown that it lowers blood pressure, relieves blockages in the arteries, and gives resistance to stress. Certain Ayurvedic herbaceous plants like Arjuna or Ashwagandha are well-known for their positive effects on the mind and the emotional heart.
Make time each day for you to be alone.
While you are doing everything feasible to manage stress but it is essential to look for ways to ensure your emotional and mental health to help the emotional heart to flourish. The main focus is keeping ‘ojas’ in check as the vital energy or substance that sustains life. It is the best by-product of digestion and is the chief coordinator of all body and mind functions that can lead to happiness, health, vitality, longevity, and happiness. Maintaining your inner strength and stability and sustaining positive outlooks will boost the amount of Ojas. So, make it a habit to dedicate an hour or so each day to do things you enjoy, bringing you happiness and joy. This could be as easy as listening to upbeat music, soaking in the natural beauty, aromatherapy or sipping tea with herbal ingredients. At the same time, stay away from situations that make you feel uncomfortable.
Maintain a healthy, heart-friendly diet
Adopting a healthy, heart-friendly diet is among the most crucial steps you can take to improve your heart health. However, it can be the most difficult in an age where people are used to fasting meals and eating on the go. Start with the smallest actions like adding more fresh fruits and vegetables and start the day by eating stewed apples or pears, including blanched and soaked almonds, and healthy spices like freshly ground turmeric, black pepper etc.
Make healthier choices with your food choices. For instance, opt for fresh food instead of processed food items and leftovers. Choose light meals over deep-fried, rich foods. Choose hot and cooked food instead of cold, heavy food items. If possible, speak to your physician about using herbal supplements to boost your immune system as well, which also help lower LDL cholesterol levels and plaque accumulation.
Try mindful eating.
According to what Ayurveda suggests, take your food in moderation, the “portion which fits into the palms of your two cups. However, ensure that you don’t take a break between meals since eating three meals per day helps your body anticipate and take in food. If you have trouble with slow digestion, try stimulating it with salt, ginger, and lime. Add buttermilk to your meals during lunch. It is a great drink to add ground and roasted cumin and fresh cilantro to enhance the flavour. Remember not to consume too much food late at night since it may be demanding for your system.
Get rid of the toxins.
The accumulation of toxic matter within your blood vessels results from plaques in the arterial wall, known as ama. The expansion occurs when your physiological system is unable to remove it effectively. Ayurveda suggests an internal cleansing regimen followed at the beginning of each season to eliminate ama. Certain herbal formulas also aid in removing ama from the body. Other options you can take are drinking plenty of warm water throughout the day, going to bed in time to ensure your body is cleansed through the natural purification period, and eating a diet high in vegetables, fruits, and whole grains such as nuts, etc. Beware of drinking alcohol and smoking tobacco.
Regularly exercise in moderation, such as yoga.
It’s unnecessary to undertake a vigorous training regimen to keep you fit and healthy. The most important thing is moderation. Do your exercise five days a week, but ensure that you don’t strain your muscles to exhaustion. Walking is an excellent exercise that should be done by one and all. A 30-minute walk each day will benefit your heart and help you prepare for your day by increasing your metabolic rate and circulation.
In exercising, don’t forget to incorporate yoga into your routine. Yoga aids in improving the cardiovascular system and also increases your lung capacity. A study published in the European Journal of Cardiology Preventive’ showed that yoga could lower the risk of heart problems in the same way as traditional exercises such as brisk walking.
Sleep well
Several research studies have proved the connection between sleep loss and depression, blood pressure and other conditions that can increase the risk of developing heart disease. Ayurveda believes that sleep is equally essential in maintaining health. So, it would help if you practised healthy bedtime routines. Perform calming activities before going to bed. This includes turning off all distracting devices like TV, computers and other media. Avoid stimulants in the sunset and fall asleep early to be energized for the following day.
Include a few heart-healthy herbs:
As with all Ayurvedic therapies, Ayurveda is focused on prevention first, and if it is found that there’s a concern, it focuses on the root cause of the illness. The most effective way to stop the development of heart-related diseases is to take a holistic lifestyle that includes Ayurveda and live your life by these ancient principles. Indeed, some scientists have proved that certain heart conditions can be reversed by using Ayurvedic treatment and herbal remedies.
A few of the most effective herbs from Ayurveda that could aid in the prevention of heart disease and keep your heart healthy include:
Triphala (reduces the risk of high cholesterol and maintains heart health), Ashwagandha (relieves mental stress and builds the heart muscles), Chyawanprash (boosts the immune system and strengthens heart muscle), Arjuna (pacifies pitta and helps nourish your hearts), Guggul (lowers cholesterol) as well as ginger, turmeric, garlic and saffron are a few herbs that can help fight heart ailments.
Consult an expert Ayurvedic doctor for advice before taking supplements with herbs.
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