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Some frequently asked questions about NCERT books

NCERT books

The students who are preparing for their board exams or a competitive exam is advised to go through the NCERT books in details. Though students would be having some queries about NCERT books and what are their importance when it comes to such intensive preparations. When the question of preparing for the board exams emerges and to score optimum marks NCERT books are the best resort. Even class 8 social science guide has found a lot of takers. The national council of educational research and training is entrusted with the task of preparing books from class 1 to 12. Even content of these books are concise, which is easy to read and understand that enables students to understand the concepts clear.

But here we are going to discuss about the importance of NCERT books. Here are a few frequently asked questions about NCERT books.

Would NCERT books be more than enough to score high marks in board exams?

The marks that a student scores is fully  dependent upon their preparation and their performance during the exams. NCERT books are going to make you fundamental in all the subjects, that is going to help you answer the questions correctly that is asked during the exams. But to grasp the information correctly asked in the NCERT exams the students are advised to be focussed and attentive.

The process to read NCERT books properly?

There are some techniques that is used to read the NCERT books in a proper manner.

  • You need to read topic properly when you understand the meaning and significance of every line involved in each topic
  • The moment you find any topic difficult to understand, you can take help from the teacher to clear the doubts.
  • The important stuff is to revised at the time of examination
  • Towards the end of the chapter important questions are asked and solve all of them. Not only such questions are vital from an examination point of view, but it is essential to understand the concepts in a better way.

Do I need to take notes of the NCERT books?

Notes are of great help during the examination time. This is when you read the whole syllabus within a short span of time. So when you are reading a book from NCERT it is important that you note down the important points first, formulae and definitions in the form of a revision note.

There is a process in place where you can make good notes from NCERT books. It is not like that you read a book and note down the important pointers. You should read each and every topic properly and then prepare notes from them.

  • A suggestion is to read each topic or passage carefully
  • Understand it properly
  • In a summarized form note it down in your own language
  • Whenever possible you may use diagrams that aid in the process of quick learning

Do you think it is necessary to solve all the NCERT questions given at the end of the chapter?

There are questions along with solutions provided at the end of each NCERT chapter. Not only these solutions are important but it helps to understand the concepts in a better way. Such questions are provided so that the students understand the concepts properly and would be able to apply it in their future life. By solving the NCERT  class 8 questions you  have the following benefits

  • All the concepts along with formulae that is used is properly understood
  • It is going to familiarize you with the various questions asked during the exams
  • sufficient amount of practice is necessary that enables you to clear the exams with ease
  • enhances your speed and accuracy

How does NCERT books helps to clear competitive exams?

Most of the competitive exams follows NCERT books when it comes to formulating their question paper. It is based on the primary and secondary exams as the NCERT books strictly adhere to the CBSE syllabus. Not only these books are of help in better understanding of theoretical topics. Every topic is designed in such a manner in the book that would make your fundamentals strong. For all these reasons the students are suggested to go through the NCERT books even when they are preparing for their engineering or board exams.

Numerous private party websites are there where you can avail all information about NCERT books. In some cases you can download the books for free in PDF format.

Of late numerous platforms like InfinityLearn have gone on to emerge that adds up to the fun element of learning. Here there are experienced faculty who are going to guide you at each and every step of your education journey. You are going to have a great time in the company of these experts.